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Home > Products > Test & Measurement > Structural Vibration > Rotating Machinery Order Analysis System
Rotating Machine Order Analysis System
Analyzing the health and behavior of rotating machine is a key application for dynamic signal analyzer. Rotating machines produce repetitive vibrations and acoustic signals related to rotational speed. These relationships are not always obvious with standard dynamic signal analysis, particularly with variations in the rotational speed. As is the secret to sort out all the many signal components that a rotating machine can generate.

Main Functions
Gabor transform-based order analysis and tracking approaches
Angle domain analysis - Fast Fourier Transform (FTT), order power spectrum, order waveform, phase
Various trigger functions: manual trigger, time trigger, speed trigger, internal trigger
Vector, exponential, linear, peak hold for specified number of averages
Tens window functions including Hanning, Hamming,Blackman windows

Powerful analysis function
Real-time inline analysis and offline playback
Report generation and visual analysis

Gas, wind, steam, water turbines
Generators, compressors, blowers, and fans
Motor, pump, and piston compressors
Crusher, grinder, granulator, and extruder
Gear, boiler, expander
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, transformer
Pulp and paper machinery, pulp refining machine, rotary dryer
Centrifuge, cooling tower, turbochargers

Recommended Configuration Systems
SignalPad – Sound and vibration analysis software
Data streaming module

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